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Notice List
No Park Name Title Author Views Date
Notice Headquarters Announcement of trail access control during the 2024 spring forest fire caution period 박병훈 103 2024-03-08
Notice common Announced by the Korea National Park Service(shelters capacity) Admin 244 2022-05-27
1 Seroaksan [Notice] Trail closure During spring wildfire prevention period 강수현 3 2025-03-04
2 Seroaksan Notice of restriction in Seoraksan National Park( ~ 1. 28.) 강수현 4 2025-01-26
3 Jirisan Jeonbuk [Notice] Changing of Jirisan shelter reservation schedule from the 1st May to 15th May 최은하 21 2024-04-08
4 Seroaksan Seoraksan National Park Shelter Instructions 박병훈 28 2023-11-10
5 Seroaksan Notice of restriction in Seoraksan National Park. Admin 763 2020-02-14
6 Seroaksan Notice of restriction in Seoraksan National Park. Admin 579 2020-02-14
7 Seroaksan Notice of restriction on the possession of inflammables in Seoraksan National Park. Admin 1217 2019-12-15
8 Common Notice of restriction on the possession of inflammables in Seoraksan National Park. Admin 573 2019-12-15
9 Seroaksan Notice of restriction on the possession of inflammables in Seoraksan National Park. Admin 659 2019-12-15
10 Seroaksan Announcement of Restrictions on the Use of Seorak-dong campsites in Winter Admin 1036 2019-10-28